Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Here is my way overdue project that started at the beginning of 2009. What a great year, new babies, new friends, family (yes there is one of my sisters and I) lots of smiles, a few tears, birthday parties, its all right here. Well not all of it, but some of my favorites along with a few new images that were captured in 2009! This is my life and I am so thankful to have been a part of your life this year. I am the one behind the lens, holding up suckers, smarties, throwing marshmallows, then sometimes there are parents on the side as kids eyes wander over to them, (if you have been out with me, mom/dad I need you behind me so they look at the camera!!) sometimes it is squeaky clown working his magic, oh and guess what, I know all about eyeball pizza! Images that you look back at that brings a smile to your face when you see it. Those images are true to my heart and why I love doing what I do everyday! If you or your family was a part of Zanteen Photography's 2009 then this is for you, maybe you visit the blog from time to time, or if you have a baby on the way and can't wait to have a photo session, whatever the reason thank you I am glad you are here. Enjoy!

2010 is already in full gear, new babies, new parents, get excited!! Also, its never to late to schedule with me as I look forward to warmer weather and lots of new images!!


Jessica F. said...

Awww - LOVE it!! Very cool slideshow - you do awesome work and we're all fortunate to have you as our photographer! :)

Crazy Wonderful said...

Tobi, that's awesome!!! You're such a talented photographer, I agree with Jessica. Can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks!

zanteen photography said...

thank you gals!! I have enjoyed being a part of your forever memories!!